Monday 10 October 2016

My Moment

The moment I chose the ending sequence of David Fincher's 1999 Movie, "Fight Club".  It was incredibly memorable to me and inspiring in terms of plot structure, hidden messages, editing and stylistic techniques, and so much more.

This is memorable to me because in under a minuet it demonstrates the way each character has ahd to change and adapt to this strange and violent wold that they were thrown in to. We can see that the charcaters are finally acepting their insanity as a quite literal part of them. 

The scene sums up an entire generations worth of angst, depression and fear as the dialouge gives way to destruction and chaos, and the characters simpy acept the chaos around them, subverting our expectations as an audience, of their charcters.

It ties together all the underlying messages in the movie and affirms them. We as n audience are shocked and mesmorised by both characters and their situation. Which is why we remember it.

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