Critical Perspectives: Additional Lecture Notes
Bellow are additional notes about what to consider when looking at question for both adaptations and journalism.
- Find out why something was targeted at a certain audience.
- What was the motivation of the creator (personal passion project, or made to appeal to mass media).
- Who's interest does it serve?
- Who benefits from it being made and does its production support an ideological position?
- Was it part of a propaganda campaign - pro something? (May be subtle).
- What meanings are generated by the adaptation/news piece.
- What are the social/cultural mechanisms of communication (symbolic/visual/formal/textual/textural/auditory/verbal).
- What are the connotations and meanings being formed - are these "re-generated" - be intended or not.
- Context- again consider reviews etc.
- Undertake readings and explore other peoples theories so you have a rich and well informed case study.
- Don't just focus on one subject matter only, mention others!!
- when writing identify both positives and negatives before forming your opinion, to ensure a balanced view.
What is critical writing?
-A balanced presentation of reasons why the conclusions of other writers may be accepted or may need to be treated with caution.
-You need to fabricate an argument based on your findings, not just describe what you have found, form an opinion and discuss why it is so.
Using/referencing other people's words/work is fine so long as you are either, quoting, paraphrasing or summarizing, and you correctly site it.
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